If you have excellent credit (your credit score is around the 720-850 range), the chances are you already know it. You always pay your bills on time, and you are very unlikely to carry a balance on your credit cards. In return for your responsible nature, you are deluged with offers for more credit cards. Overwhelmed and disillusioned with all of these choices, many of you are content to remain loyal to whichever card you had been using for years. It's easy, comfortable, and hassle free to use the same card in perpetuity. But by doing so, are you betraying the sound principals of financial management that earned you your excellent credit score? (See also: Surprising Things That Can Kill Your Credit)
Snap Out of It!
Those with excellent credit are likely to be using their cards simply as a method of payment, and they may be earning some additional rewards. Nevertheless, this practice is akin to storing money in a bank for safekeeping, without concern to the returns being accrued on your investment. The reality is that like savings, credit card spending should also produce a competitive return. Although saving is always a preferable activity to spending, those with excellent credit are leaving money on the table by not attempting to maximize the returns on their credit cards.
The Ways to Earn High Returns on Spending
The best way to compare credit card rewards is through the percentage of value earned per dollar spent. For example, 1% cash back is the bare minimum that you should expect from any reward card. If you are earning that amount or less, it is as unwise as closing on a mortgage with a higher APR that what is available. The two most common ways to earn credit card rewards are in the form of cash back or loyalty points such as frequent flier miles. If you are earning points or miles, you should assign a value to them in order to assure you are receiving the returns you deserve. The more value you earn per dollar spent, the better you are doing. Finally, there are a few cardholders who do have excellent credit, but may carry a balance from time to time. These people should always carry a credit card with the lowest APR on the market.
The Best Cards for People With Excellent Credit
Each of the cards on this list are only offered to those with excellent credit, but they offer very high rates of cash back or points. There is no one card that is perfect for everyone, but each has its unique advantages that appeal to different types of cardholders.
Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
If you have the excellent credit to qualify for the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, then you'll have some great rewards to look forward to as a cardmember. Earn 2X points on travel and dining at restaurants & 1 point per dollar spent on all other purchases worldwide. Get a 1:1 rate when transferring points to partner programs, or redeem travel directly through the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal and get 20% off. There are no foreign transaction fees on the card. This card has an annual fee of $95 that is waived for the first year.
Bonus offer: Earn 50,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That’s $625 in travel when you redeem through Chase Ultimate Rewards®. You can also earn 5,000 bonus points by adding an authorized user to your account and making a purchase within the first 3 months.
Click here to learn more and apply for the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card today!
Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card
The Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card is for applicants with an excellent or good credit rating. Unlike other cards that only award bonuses to specific categories, card holders can earn unlimited 2X miles per dollar on every purchase, every day. Like all of their cards, there are no foreign transaction fees. There is a $59 annual fee for this card that is waived the first year.
Bonus: One-time bonus of 40,000 miles once you spend $3,000 on purchases within the first 3 months — equal to $400 in travel.
Click here to learn more and apply for the Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card today!
Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express
Want to use your excellent credit to score some sweet cash back? The Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express offers 6% cash back at U.S. supermarkets (up to $6,000 per year in purchases), 3% at U.S. gas stations and select U.S. department stores, and 1% on other purchases. As a special offer, you can earn 5% cash back on up to $4,000 of eligible travel purchases made in your first 6 months, worth up to $200. Cash back is received in the form of Reward Dollars that can be redeemed as a statement credit. There is a $95 annual fee for this card.
As a bonus offer, you can earn $150 back in the form of statement credit after spending $1,000 in purchases in your first three months. You also get 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 12 months. After that, your APR will be a variable rate, currently 13.24%-23.24%, based on your creditworthiness and other factors. Terms and conditions apply.
Click here to learn more and apply for the Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express today!
BankAmericard Cash Rewards™ Credit Card
The BankAmericard Cash Rewards™ Credit Card lets people with excellent credit earn some nice cash back rewards. Cardholders can earn 1% cash back on every purchase, 2% at grocery stores and wholesale clubs, and 3% on gas for the first $2,500 in combined grocery/wholesale club/gas purchases each quarter, and Bank of America customers can even receive a 10% customer bonus every time they redeem their cash rewards into a Bank of America® checking or savings account. There is no annual fee on this card.
New cardmembers can earn $100 online cash rewards bonus after you spend at least $500 in purchases in the first 90 days of account opening. There's also a 0% introductory APR for 12 billing cycles on purchases, and any balance transfers made within the first 60 days; after that, a variable APR that's currently between 13.24% and 23.24% will apply. A 3% fee (minimum $10) applies to balance transfers. See terms.
Click here to learn more and apply for the BankAmericard Cash Rewards™ Credit Card today!
Citi® Double Cash Card - 18 month BT offer
The Citi® Double Cash Card - 18 month BT offer from our partner Citi rewards you twice. Once when you make the purchase. Then again when you pay for those purchases. You get 1% cash back when you buy, plus 1% cash back when you pay. There are no category restrictions and no caps. It's a simple and straightforward cash back credit card for those who don't want to engage in signing up for rotating categories or carrying different cards for different purchases. As a sign up offer, you can get 0% APR on balance transfers for 18 months. There is a balance transfer fee of 3%. This card has no annual fee.
Click here to learn more and apply for the Citi® Double Cash Card - 18 month BT offer today!
If you have excellent credit and you are not getting at least 2 cents in value for each dollar spent, or the lowest interest rate on the market, you need take a serious look at the cards on this list. As a smart consumer with excellent credit, you should always be receiving the highest return on not just your savings, but on your spending as well.